About Our Kidz



“Life is an Ensemble Cast”

"Friends" Alicia is a beautiful little brown skin Hispanic character designed to melt your heart. Her dark brown hair is tied in two arching ponytails and her large luminous eyes beam from an appealing and expressive face. Alicia is holding the hand of her favorite doll who also reflects her Hispanic heritage. She is sweetly dressed in matching pink skirt and shoes. Unlike her male Perfect Harmony Playmates, she has managed to keep her fashionable high tops laced. As an ethnic character, Alicia appeals to the growing market for Hispanic characters and toys. Yet, her happy innocence and shy smile appeals to a wide variety of Products and markets.

"A Loving Heart is a Happy Heart."

“Friends” “We always want to share with those we love” Joy is a Angelic four-year old. In this adorable tableau she is offering her freshly picked flowers to a friend. This Bashful, Blond Beauty has picked Flowers, from the Harmony Garden, to share with someone Special. Is it you? Joy's sweet innocence is reflected in her round blue eyes and shy smile. Her favorite kitten Noodles peaks from behind a chubby child’s leg. This delightful little girl evokes a feeling of warmth and love. She is a huggable darling representing the essence of Harmony in nature—children, animals, and flowers. Joy is a wonderful collector” treasure.

“Adventure is the key to life”

“Friends” “Want to Play” Derek is a cheerful and charming African-American boy. His deep brown skin, textured hair, and sparkling eyes are a Perfect design for a rapidly growing ethnic marketplace. This happy child sports contemporary clothing with his baggy “jams” and untied high-top tennis shoes. Derek is prepared for a playful afternoon of skateboarding with his Perfect Harmony Playmates. This sunny, lovable character is also perfect for traditional markets that provide charming and appealing characters for general merchandising.

“Hugs Are Perfect”

“Friends“ Share A Hug With A Friend” Lani is a squeezable, huggable five-year old Asian girl. Her dark eyes radiate love and caring as she snuggles her favorite teddy bear close to her heart. Bright ribbons decorate her straight black hair. This gentle, expressive character is a special collector’s surprise. Lani represents a mixture of Oriental backgrounds which allows a wide range of ethnic appeal in addition to traditional market appeal. Lani radiates the warm glow of innocence and charm found in a scene of a child and her favorite toy.

“Life is an Ensemble Cast”

Kerry is a carrot-top, chubby-cheek delight—eager to scamper into your heart. Kerry is enjoying the Perfect Harmony of a sunny afternoon: a boy, his dog, and baseball. He invites others to join in the fun. Dressed in the popular “jams” and untied tennis shoes, Kerry’s pudgy limbs are still too small for the oversized mitt and bat. His eager puppy carries the ball. Freckles highlight Kerry’s freshly scrubbed five-year old face. His eyes sparkle with anticipation of an afternoon of lively fun with his Perfect Harmony Playmates. This bundle Of love sparkles with the infectious charm of happy children enjoying carefree days.

“There is Grace in All of Us”

Nicole is a young African-American delight. This brown angle is a lovable darling with a shy smile and dimpled cheeks. She is a Budding Ballerina poised for her next dance class. Appropriately dressed in Tutu and ballet slippers, Nicole is soft and graceful. Her dark brown eyes reflect the optimism and hope of many young girls wishing to be ballet dancers. Nicole, with deep brown skin and perky ponytail, is a prized character appealing to a wide range of markets. This captivating sweetheart doesn’t spend all her time in ballet shoes. She also appears dressed in typical Perfect Harmony Playmates clothes. However, her ballet slippers are never far away.

Different.. Unique

A Truly Beautiful Garden includes All Kinds of Flowers.

Every One is Beau Tee Full!

Why – We are All Different and Unique!

Strike Up the Band. The Harmony Kidz are here!

